Doctors... It's very easy to simply throw your hands up in the air, surrender, and go to a doctor for a prescription.  The only thing is, prescriptions aren't always needed.  There are many different things you can do to clear up that complexion without the use of a dermatologist.  There are a wide assortment of over-the-counter products that give positive results for many people.  As always, it is suggested that you try these first, before going to a doctor.  Stronger drugs are only recommended if absolutely necessary.  Quite often, even the worst acne can clear up substantially by lifestyle changes and the use of these other products.  That's not to say that a dermatologist can't help you.  They certainly can... but there are a lot of things you can do on your own.  For instance:
  1. Soap and water- This one is a no brainer.  Gentle cleansing of the skin with soap and water, no more than two or three times a day, removes excess oils (sebum) and may alleviate the "oily skin" appearance often associated with acne.  Be careful, washing your face too much can cause over-drying.

  2. Benzoyl peroxide- This treatment is the the titan of all acne treatments, and a medication commonly prescribed by physicians to treat mild forms of acne.  It's been around for years and is proven to be effective in the treatment of acne.  Benzoyl peroxide is available over-the-counter in a lotion or a gel.  Its only side effect in over-drying.  Benzoyl peroxide can bleach hair and fabric, including sheets, towels and clothing, so care should be taken when applying it.

  3. Salicylic acid- On the skin, salicylic acid helps to correct the abnormal shedding of cells. For milder acne, salicylic acid helps unclog pores to resolve and prevent lesions. It must be used continuously, just like benzoyl peroxide, since its effects stop when you stop using it--pores clog up again and the acne returns. Salicylic acid is available in many acne products, including lotions, creams and pads.

  4. Sulfur- This is the oldest acne treatment around.  In combination with other agents—e.g., alcohol, salicylic acid, and resorcinol—sulfur is still a constituent of some of the most heavily marketed over-the-counter medications. Sulfur is less frequently used by itself as an acne treatment due to its unpleasant odor. Although long used in treatment of acne, it is not known how sulfur acts on the skin to influence the development of acne.

  5. Sulfurated lime- An older medication for treatment of various skin diseases and scabies. Sulfurated lime probably characterizes the medications that were the best available in past decades.

  6. Resorcinol- Together with sulfur, a constituent of popular over-the-counter acne medications. Resorcinol is less frequently used alone in treatment of acne.

  7. Alcohol and acetone- Acetone is a "degreasing" agent, and alcohol has a mild anti-bacterial activity. The two agents have been sometimes combined in over-the-counter medication. However, when acetone is used alone, it may have no effect in the treatment of acne.

  8. Herbal, organic and "natural" medications- Over-the-counter products called "herbal," "organic" or "natural" are marketed as acne treatments but their effectiveness has rarely been tested in clinical trials. The value of such treatments is generally unknown.

  9. Comedo extraction- Extraction of comedones should be performed only by a dermatologist, under sterile conditions, and usually only when comedones have not responded to other treatment. Acne patients should not attempt to extract comedones by squeezing or picking.

  10. Ultraviolet light therapy- Ultraviolet light has not been proven effective as an acne treatment. At most, skin tanning may mask acne. However, skin tanning increases risk for other, more serious skin conditions such as melanoma and other skin cancers.

  11. Light Chemical Peels- Glycolic acid and other chemical agents are applied by a dermatologist to loosen blackheads and decrease acne papules.


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